Temperatures have been unseasonably nippy here in Chicago; clearly, fall is in the air.
It’s been a while since I’ve done a seasonal list, but I am so looking forward to fall this year that I inadvertently scribbled down this list in my Morning Pages notebook:
Roast hot dogs over camp fires
Press leaves
Visit Kankakee Wildlife Area for a photo safari
Go apple picking
Participate in Chicago Open House (my favorite city event of the year!)
Go to our Indiana property as often as possible
Wander the woods
Cook butternut squash soup
Bake pumpkin bread
Walk outside a lot
Wear jewel tone clothes

Fall has always been my favorite season, and every year it seems I love it more. This year I am especially looking forward to cooler temperatures and gloriously golden leaves because this summer I was first steeped in the humid heat of the Brazilian Amazon, and then baked in the arid desert heat of Israel. So off I go, embracing cooler temperatures and wearing my oh-so-comfortable hiking boots again!
How about your list for enjoying fall? Do you have one?
That'll keep you busy. Open House sounds quite like our Doors Open.
Yeah, I think Open House Chicago is the same thing that you have with Ottawa's Doors Open. Every year I wish I could make it to more sites!
Hi Annette. I've been away from your writings for so long. But what a great one when I finally returned. Fall is my favorite time of year. I'll be in France for most of it — trying to write my thesis. You've inspired me, however, to make a little list for while I'm over there. A good reason to leave my apartment and experience a Burgundy fall.
Julie, so nice to have you resurface. Good luck with your thesis, and yes, I hope you do get out to explore Burgundy a bit and create some nice blog posts from your wanderings.