My four year blogging anniversary came and went, and I didn’t even notice until I was looking for something else in my Morning Pages book from a year ago and sptted a list of blog posts I was planning to write, among them reflections on what was then three years of blogging. I can only conclude that blogging has become so much part of my life that I’m not counting the time anymore. That’s a good thing, right?

I really have no new insights to add to my post from last year’s blogging anniversary, Reflections on Three Years of Blogging. All those still hold true. This past year there was no Blogathon, so my number of posts is down, but that’s okay. My rhythm is still about two posts on average, and I steered clear of any blog challenges, but rather focused on developing my own voice.

In celebration of four years of blogging, I’m happy to present you with a new banner. My files tell me that I haven’t updated my banner since the spring of 2013 – obviously I was happy with the old one for a long time. But my photography has evolved, and it’s time to freshen up the look. So, here you go. Let me know what you think.

Most importantly, though, I want to thank all those who leave comments on my blog, especially those faithful readers who comment frequently. Thank you, thank you, thank you! My conclusion from last year still holds true: I receive comments, therefore I am as a blogger.