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It’s the time of year again to look back and plan ahead, so I am happy to present you with the Artist & Writer’s Workbook 2016. It’s free; you just have to fill out the form here to download it! (Click on the image of the workbook in the righthand column if you don’t see a sign-up form.)
This is the third time I am sharing my year-end review process of assessing where my creative pursuits have taken me and do some wishful thinking for the future. I hope you find it a useful tool to assess what has transpired and where you might want to go in the coming year.
Wishing you a productive time of looking back as well as looking forward!
Love the year in review synopsis!
Glad you do!
I'm not sure where the download is, Annette.
You have to sign up for the newsletter, then you receive the download. 🙂
Is it too late to get the A&W Workbook? I've signed up to follow your blog but I don't see where to subscribe to a newsletter. Am I missing it? Thanks! Jess
Hi Jess, it's not too late! If you can't see the sign-up form, and you're viewing this on a mobile device, just choose to "view web version" and click on the image of the workbook in the righthand column. That will take you to the sign-up form. If all else fails, email me (see About tab) and I'll be happy to email you a copy.
Not sure where the download is.
Martha, you need to click on the title of the workbook or the image of the workbook in the right-hand column (web version), then the sign-up form should pop up. If you're still having trouble, email me (see About) and I'll be happy to send you a copy.
Not sure where the download is.