It’s the time of year again to look back and plan ahead, so I am happy to present you with the Artist & Writer’s Workbook 2017. It’s free; you just have to fill out the form here to download it! (Click on the hyperlink if you don’t see a sign-up form.)
This is the fourth time I am sharing my year-end review process of assessing where my creative pursuits have taken me and do some wishful thinking for the future. I hope you find it a useful tool to assess what has transpired and where you might want to go in the coming year.
Wishing you a productive time of looking back as well as looking forward! Happy 2017!
Happy New Year!
I received your package in the mail, safe and sound, by the way.
Yeay! Glad to hear that, especially since some of my packages seem to not even have left the U.S. post office yet.
So excited to see this year's workbook, Annette! I made it the topic for tonight's #StoryDam chat. Folks at the chat have been asking for good planning strategies, and I kept thinking of this. I think they will love it! (And I can hardly wait to dive into my own copy.) Thank you so much for sharing this! 😀 ~Tui
Thanks, Tui, for sharing it with the #storydam chat group! Hope to hang with you all again in the new year!
Cool "Artist & Writer's Workbook "! Most likely you used http://customwriting.com/ services. I'm right?