Karlsruhe, Germany – Photo by Barbara Jester
Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of my book’s publication–the perfect time to share a few things that surprised me about publishing a book:
- People genuinely admire you for having done it–for having completed something, for actually writing a book and getting it out there. Many people dream of this, few actually do it.
- Having authored a book, you become an authority. It doesn’t matter what your book is about; your authority flows from your book. After all, “authority” is an extension of “author,” isn’t it? Thanks to your book, you can now go out and speak about topics you’ve always known lots about, but the book has now established your “authority.” It’s amazing.

London, U.K. – Photo by Katie Glasner

Hong Kong – Photo by Sherilynne Poon

Jerusalem – Photo by Annette Gendler
So, these are some of the happy surprises I experienced publishing my book; there were some unwelcome ones for sure, but those are not fitting for this one-year book publication anniversary post!

Tzfat, Israel – Photo courtesy of the Safed Edyth Geiger Memorial Library
Very nice essay, Annette, and I hope many of these perks come to pass for me too. I have heard some people say this, “readers told me they stayed up late to finish it,” and my reaction was the same as yours. Really?! Wow! I certainly have NO brain space to think about another book. I think I’ll write a collection of travel essays – because travel is what I plan to do next!
Thanks, Linda! Your book will have you traveling, so your plans for the future fit right in with that!
Thanks so much!
Is bookoversary a word?
Happy Bookoversary!
I wish it was! Thanks!
So glad you shared your retrospective thoughts. It was neat for me to see a bit into the future after my memoir is published on June 19! Loved this essay, Annette.
Thanks, Nancy, and congrats on your own book launch coming up!
Nice to read about what happens during and after while both are still lying in wait for me with a pub date of November 13, 2018! Congratulations. Yes! It is a marvelous thing to bring a book to life out into the world beyond our imaginations.
Indeed it is, Jane. Congrats on your own book launch coming up later this year!
Wonderful piece, Annette. I’ve had similar experiences at the si- month mark. Congratulations on your 1st AND 2nd book!
Thanks, Nancy!
Annette, I enjoyed this thoughtful piece.
Thanks, Cameron, I appreciate it 🙂
Hello Anette,
I haven’t read your book, I only ran across your blog last night. You know I live in Liberec and I walk on the street from this page’s footer every day on my way to work. I guess I need to get the book.
Hi Tomas, oh wow! That is amazing that you live in Liberec! I am so happy to meet you! How did you find my blog?
Hi, it was by pure coincidence. I was just googling something related to local history.
Wow! Well, you will find plenty of local Liberec history in my book, through a very personal lens, of course. I hope you enjoy it!