It feels like a relationship is over, and although there are many more books waiting in my “to read” shelf, I don’t feel like moving on to a new relationship just yet. I keep thinking about what I learned. I also keep reveling in how nice it’s been to actually read a book I bought because I was interested, and not something I have to read for class or for reviewing. (Although there I have been lucky, too, because most of the books I have read recently were books I was interested in myself.)
The book I just finished was Lynne Greenberg’s The Body Broken, and I will write about it soon. But first I need a few days to be wistful, and a few days to gather my thoughts.
A good book is like an old friend. Every once in awhile you have to stop in and say hello to them again.
True but there are only certain books I reread.
Can't wait to hear more about it…
Stay tuned…
It really is hard to let go of a book you enjoyed! I struggle with it too!
Nicole, indeed yes, it's hard to say good bye.