I’d seen photographs of the mirror-like quality of the Amazon in National Geographic, but to find myself floating on it was a whole other experience. I spent the better part of last weekend organizing my “Brazil” photos (finally uploading the good ones to a site to share with my travel companions), and so I thought it might be a nice wrap-up of my summer travels to share this glory of the Amazon, taken on our overnight excursion to the floating lodge Tauari Inn, 1.5 hours from Manaus by speedboat.




Our tab at the Tauari Inn 





And then the sun set…



Some in our group set off in the canoe to see a tree full of herons, but I stayed behind to savor the sunset.



Sitting on the dock, in the midst of this vast kingdom of water, how could one not feel majestic, even in flip flops?



I set my alarm for 5:30 so I wouldn’t miss the sunrise:




The outdoor shower which I did peruse after swimming in the Amazon right off the floating lodge (sadly, no photos of that historic occasion!).



The boys cooked up various gory stories about what this shed might house and our host didn’t refute any of them…