Upcoming Events
Past Events

An evening with novelist and short-story writer Gila Green and memoirist and essayist Annette Gendler, hosted by WriteSpace Jerusalem
The Advanced Memoir Workshop at StoryStudio Chicago is designed for advanced writers who need clear and structured feedback to improve their work. It meets once a month and includes reading a book-length memoir each month. Aside from the book discussion, the majority of class time is spent work-shopping student manuscripts. Prior approval is required to be admitted to this class. Please contact StoryStudio Chicago for more info.
Jewish Federation of Grand Rapids
Presentation at the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois
I’ll be on two panels, selling books and schmoozing at this day-long literary get-together celebrating the opening of ModernWell, a women-centered collaborative space.
I’ll be on a panel with fellow SWP authors Iris Waichler, Nadine Kenney Johnstone, and Laurie Kahn, moderated by Michelle Cox, as we discuss the intricacies of writing memoir.
Reading and Book Signing
Author Talk and Shabbat Dinner
Multiple languages, historical epochs, cultures and places can overwhelm the writer attempting to create a family memoir that spans centuries and continents. Annette Gendler dealt with these dilemmas in her memoir Jumping Over Shadows and, in this one-day workshop, will share the lessons she learned about how to make a complicated, multi-faceted story work.
This is a two-session workshop, meeting on June 20 and June 27.
See American Writers Museum website to sign up.
Meet me, have a chat, buy a book and have it signed!
I love to meet readers!
I’ll be in the tent of the Chicago Writers Association.
Presentation to the Writing Club!
This is a two-session workshop, meeting on April 27 and May 4.