My Blog Has Moved to Substack!
Dear Readers, I've moved my blog to Substack. Please follow me there, check out my Substack home page and subscribe: I look forward to seeing you there, every Friday! Annette
Dear Readers, I've moved my blog to Substack. Please follow me there, check out my Substack home page and subscribe: I look forward to seeing you there, every Friday! Annette
I've figured out how to bake gluten free challah using Blends by Orly Gluten Free Challah Mix. I never thought I'd be doing this as I was used to [...]
On her Instagram account, my wonderful book designer Melinda Martin put together this short tour of how we did the book design for Natalie and the Nazi Soldiers. This [...]
I have a weakness for chewy treats, and I love the taste of tahini. It's no wonder this recipe has become a favorite treat of mine. The sesame seeds [...]
I first learned about Gershom Scholem when I read Thomas Sparr’s excellent portrait of German Jerusalem: The Remarkable Life of a German-Jewish Neighborhood in the Holy City. (If you’re [...]
Today is Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), when in Israel sirens sound at 10 a.m. For two minutes, the entire country stands still to observe the memory of the [...]
My new (and first) children's book is out! May I present: Natalie and the Nazi Soldiers, the story of a hidden child in France during the Holocaust, based on [...]
Meet the town of Tykocin in northeast Poland, a shtetl if there ever was one. Tykocin is pretty much as it was in August 1941, when German Einsatzgruppen obliterated [...]
This low stone wall marks the circumference of the barn in Jedwabne, where more than 300 Jews were burned to death [...]
Our November tour of the sites of Jewish history and the Holocaust in Poland and Lithuania began with a visit to the Warsaw Jewish Cemetery. With more than 250,000 [...]
Looping back to the beginning is a good way to end. Since I began this series of blog posts on turning letters into stories with How to Transform a [...]
Civil War Letter (source: When researching family history, you might come across a letter that you find utterly fascinating. But you don't know much, if anything, [...]
A cache of family letters, or maybe even just one amazing letter written by an ancestor, is a great source for writing a story from family history. Martha McCallum's [...]
This is the carbon copy of my grandfather’s tightly typed letter, on which I based my story The Flying Dutchman, that also became a [...]
The pile of letters the father of my reader Donna sent to his sister in Chicago while he was stationed in India during WWII, including the silk [...]
Welcome to the last day of my countdown towards my online course Capturing Family History in a Book of My Things. I'm really excited that it begins tomorrow! Today is [...] Welcome to Day 9 of my countdown towards my online course Capturing Family History in a Book of My Things! (begins on January 16, 2022). Each day I [...]
My main goal right now is to get out of the gate with these stories about my (and our) things. So, if I don't have all the material I'd like to have, I still put together the story. I can always update it later!
Welcome to Day 7 of my countdown towards my online course Capturing Family History in a Book of My Things, which begins on January 16, 2022. Each day I am sharing [...]
My grandmother's rug in my living room in Chicago Welcome to Day 6 of my countdown towards my online course Capturing Family History in a Book of My [...]
Welcome to Day 5 of my countdown towards my online course Capturing Family History in a Book of My Things, which begins on January 16, 2022. [Update: The course is currently [...]
This wad of herringbone fabric dates back to the 1940s and is from my great-uncle's store in Liberec in the Czech Republic. It is mentioned in my memoir [...]
Welcome to Day 3 of my countdown towards my online course Capturing Family History in a Book of My Things, which begins on January 16, 2022. Each day I am [...]
My mother-in-law, who always went by Nana, made this tapestry specifically for our children. It still hangs in what used to be the main children's room in our [...]
I'm so excited that my online course Capturing Family History in a Book of My Things begins in ten days that I decided to run a countdown. I'll be [...]
Lately I have been sharing recipes from dear friends; recipes that have become family favorites (see White Chicken Chili recipe). Today's recipe for pumpkin bread comes from my friend [...]
Are you interested in finally “doing something” with your family history? Would you like to organize and present your family history in a way that will be useful and [...]
This is all I really wanted from our trip to North Dakota: The open road and wide, wide horizons. (That, and finally visiting Theodore Roosevelt National Park, see [...]
This recipe is from my friend Nita Brooks, who's a) a quintessential Southern belle, and b) an amazing cook. She prepares the greatest dinners at my former online writing [...]
In 1978, when I was fifteen, my mother and I flew from Germany to Detroit for an extended trip around the U.S. First up was Michigan to visit her [...]
I'm currently offering a free mini course on writing stories from family history. As I'm working on creating my own online course business, things are moving much faster than [...]
Butternut squash, its color, smell and taste, are quintessentially fall. I realized that years ago when I once made this soup in March, using a butternut squash that had [...]
I can't quite believe 9/11 happened 20 years ago! Thankfully, my husband reminded me this morning that I usually do a memorial post for 9/11 every year by sharing [...]
My grandmother left fourteen pages of these handwritten memoirs. For us grandkids they are a real treasure but thankfully we can all read German. Welcome to [...]
First of all, I'm back! I'm sorry I've been MIA for three months but I guess, after ten years of regular blogging, I needed a break. And truth be [...]
Dear Readers and Visitors, You might have noticed that all kinds of gibberish code is appearing on my home page and other pages. Some images are not loading properly. This [...]
My best writing happens when I manage to package my own experience, habits or insights into an article that might bring inspiration to others. Sometimes, my own life is too [...]
My dad's first outing in the pram, pushed by his Aunt Resi (a major character in Jumping Over Shadows). Walking along are the proud parents, i.e. my grandparents, Karl [...]
At my Great Aunt Resi's for New Year's Eve, early 1940s, Czechoslovakia (This picture is from my memoir Jumping Over Shadows.) When you write a story from family [...]
A month ago I was suffering from a broken heart (being a mother is hard...), and I found myself opening this cross stitch kit I'd ordered back in May [...]
Today is 9/11. Somehow it strikes me as odd to remember that day in the middle of a new calamity. The COVID-19 pandemic certainly is a different calamity altogether. I'm [...]
It is precious and rare to fall in love with a book. It is even more precious to get lost in a book and be swept away to another world. [...]
For weeks my daughter had been nudging that she wanted to go hike trail 10 in the Indiana Dunes. She wanted to relive a childhood experience. We had taken the [...]
That's me in front of my grandparents' former house in Liberec, Czech Republic, August 2002 I'm happy to share that I'm featured on this week's edition of the Genealogy [...]
On our trip to Peru last year, we first traveled south, past all the depressing shanty towns of Lima, mainly to see the pre-Columbian Nazca Lines. This post continues my [...]
Seeing the shanty towns south of Lima on the very first day we were traveling in Peru last summer left an indelible impression on me. Never in my life had [...]
That's me one month after the surgery in the body brace I had to constantly wear for six weeks post op. This was on my first trip to the [...]
In these days of the Coronavirus Pandemic, urban unrest and ensuing heightened uncertainty, I have found trips down memory lane especially meaningful and calming. They connect me to my former [...]
When I was a kid, my mom always made Erdbeerkuchen, i.e. German-style strawberry shortcake for my birthday because it falls at the beginning of strawberry season. Erdbeerkuchen was pretty much [...]
Welcome to another installment of my advice column where I answer readers’ questions about writing compelling stories from family history: Hope asks: I would like to write about a great-aunt [...]