I wonder what it means if I don’t even notice anymore that my writing has gotten published? Have I reached a level of publication success where I can go, “Oh yeah, that piece…”
Well, I’m not sure about that, but the truth is that I didn’t even notice, until yesterday, that my Q&A with Wenguang Huang, author of The Little Red Guard, had been published by the Washington Independent Review of Books. One reason is that they didn’t notify me like they usually do, another that I was wrapped up in my own family life as my kids were off from school for the Jewish holidays. And yet, a while ago I would have eagerly checked their website every day to see if my piece was up yet. Clearly, I must have reached some different stage.
In any case, I am happy that the interview with Wen is up, because he shared some great insights on writing memoir, especially regarding writing for an American audience when your story takes place in another country, another language and another time. Hint: He’s happy his family doesn’t read English. Read more…