Eventually It All Gets Done
I have often have to remind myself that eventually, it all gets done. Such as sewing that button onto my son's polo shirt. It's an old Lacoste he inherited from [...]
I have often have to remind myself that eventually, it all gets done. Such as sewing that button onto my son's polo shirt. It's an old Lacoste he inherited from [...]
You might remember my blog post from last summer, Recipe for a Perfect Day on the Porch. Well, I'm happy to announce that it made it into the summer issue [...]
Why, I ask myself, is it so hard to say good-bye to an old pot? I know why, actually, but I still keep mulling over it because it strikes me [...]
For my students who missed class at the Hemingway House and all my blog readers, here's a little video tour of my writer-in-residence studio in the attic, the attic itself, [...]
The capturing of this recipe was inspired by Bella Grace and is my contribution to the Bella Grace Blog Hop. Essential: 1 porch 1 summer day, temperatures in the 70s, [...]
...you clean up. It's really one of the great benefits of having overnight guests or even just throwing a party: Suddenly you're compelled to tackle all those "construction sites" around [...]
The latest photo of my grandparents' former house, taken by me on my last visit in June 2009. My essay 'Thrown Out' of the Family Home was published in [...]
"Mom vandalized the wall!" - that was my son's first reaction upon seeing my word of the year written on our living room wall. "Hey, there's a word on the wall!" [...]
In my current quest to get stuff done around the house, I hung up this crystal again. For years it hung in the southern sun porch window, and the [...]