I Always Wanted To…
...visit the Montfort Castle in northern Israel. As my contribution to the Field Guide to Everyday Magic Blog Hop, I'm sharing how I finally did so because I have found [...]
...visit the Montfort Castle in northern Israel. As my contribution to the Field Guide to Everyday Magic Blog Hop, I'm sharing how I finally did so because I have found [...]
"How do you feel about blogging?" Barbara Bos asked yesterday in the Facebook group Women Writers, Women's Books that I belong to. That got me thinking. Then it occurred to me that [...]
Today is St. Nikolaus, a day I remember fondly from my childhood (see my essay Giving Up Christmas in Tablet, which, incidentally, is an excerpt from my book Jumping Over Shadows.) [...]
{August Break 8/31: August was...} ...long! And not as peaceful as this photo, taken from the Rogers Park beach pier on the northside of Chicago. But there were peaceful moments, [...]
Canyonlands National Park, Utah {August Break 8/18: 5 Years Ago} Five years ago I was taking a road trip with my family: five weeks, Chicago to California and back. It [...]
I just clicked the Send button for my very first newsletter, and I have to say it is like skating out on a pond, not quite knowing if the ice [...]
My four year blogging anniversary came and went, and I didn't even notice until I was looking for something else in my Morning Pages book from a year ago and [...]
I am keeping with my tradition of creating a time capsule of the 12th of December, begun as a project on 12/12/12. One day, way in the future, it might [...]
My post with a detailed recipe (including step-by-step photos) on how to make Zwetschgendatschi remains one of my most popular posts. Who would have thought? Not me. 500 blog posts! [...]
Writing on the couch I've been tagged by my friend Gillian Marchenko, a former student of mine and author of the memoir Sun Shine Down, to participate in the #MyWritingProcess [...]
Library at Alcatraz I started this blog more than three years ago, and since I reflected on two years of blogging last year, it's high time to share my insights from three [...]
My weekdays begin with coffee and Morning Pages; in the background are the iced-over windows of winter. I decided to make another time capsule of December 12, based on last [...]
Sometimes it is interesting to retrace where something began, when a meaningful connection was made. My interview with Susannah Conway appeared in the Washington Independent Review of Books last week, and [...]
Today is guest blogger day at the Blogathon, and I am happy to be hosting William Kendall. Regular readers will recognize him as this blog's most steadfast commenter. His dedication to [...]
Article in the French Jewish magazine Tenou'a featuring the same art work by Michael Thompson I featured last May. Coming on the heels of my damp review of hosting [...]
Shaker Village Bonnet - as featured on shuttersisters I've been blogging for two years now, and since I reflected on my first year of blogging a year ago, it's [...]
Inspired by Xanthe Berkeley's challenge on Shuttersisters to create a time capsule of 12/12/12, I decided to capture this ordinary day so that sometime in the future, maybe 20 years [...]
Nevada Road - see corresponding photo essay on wild horses What a ride it has been! I started this blog in January last year because I wanted to have [...]