In the Footsteps of a Book – A Walk Through the Jerusalem Neighborhood of Musrara
The actual House of Windows as far as we could tell Have you ever traveled in the footsteps of a book? Visited the location where a character lived? [...]
The actual House of Windows as far as we could tell Have you ever traveled in the footsteps of a book? Visited the location where a character lived? [...]
One of the things I love about Jerusalem is that you stumble upon historically significant sites all the time. Such was the case last weekend, when my husband and I [...]
...visit the Montfort Castle in northern Israel. As my contribution to the Field Guide to Everyday Magic Blog Hop, I'm sharing how I finally did so because I have found [...]
My book and I just had the great fortune of spending time in Jerusalem. For me it was an "again," and, while my book per se had not been to [...]
Today is Yom HaZikaron, the day Israel remembers its fallen soldiers. As the mother of two IDF soldiers (My daughter wrapped up her service last year; my son is still [...]
In time for Easter, my essay "At the Church of the Holy Sepulchre" appeared on Jerusalem Moments. With it, I thought I'd share a few photos from and around this [...]
St. George's Monastery, Wadi Qelt Always, always, I have wanted to see the Greek Orthodox monasteries of Marsaba and St. George, built into the cliffs of the Judean Hills. But [...]
To summarize my stay in Jerusalem this summer in one blog post? It's a tall order, but here goes. We spent an inordinate amount of time on an exceedingly hot [...]
Any market is a feast for the eyes, and a shuk (= Middle Eastern market, pronounced "shook") is especially so. It is also a photographer's paradise. All those colors, shapes, [...]
While walking to my Ulpan (Hebrew school) in Jerusalem this morning, I passed by this street library set up in an old bus station. Of course I was immediately charmed [...]
Escapism is in order! I have been frustrated and uninspired after months of querying and not finding a home for my memoir manuscript. In addition, one obligation is following another, [...]
Blame it on the cold winter we are having in Chicago, but I am dreaming of the Turkish Bath House in Akko, Israel. The place itself is a dream, because [...]
The cold is getting to me (Chicago's high is 17F today), so it's time for memories of warmer days and an entirely different landscape than winter's bleak outside. I haven't [...]
Dalya Lemkus - May soon her family be able to look at her picture without crying. Sometimes all I can do to come to grips with a terrible [...]
Today is Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, so I thought I'd share another glimpse of Israel, from a day trip my daughter and I took to Akko in July. [...]
Since I'm still preoccupied with my daughter being in Israel, I thought I'd share some of my photos taken while walking around or sitting in cafés in Tel Aviv, providing [...]
Tel Aviv is on my mind right now as my daughter is enlisting in the Israeli Defense Forces today. When this post appears, she is already in her uniform. I've [...]
My super short video of air raid sirens in Tel Aviv on July 12, 2014 I've been home in Chicago now for a while but I kept a journal [...]
This is the Tel Aviv building where we are currently staying on the top floor - the penthouse is set back so you can't see it from the street, plus it's rather [...]